No, our goal is to renaturalize ecosystems. Plantations do not do justice to this in many respects. They are mostly monocultures and not resilient enough to withstand the challenges of the climate crisis with heat and floods, and are also susceptible to fungal and insect infestation. The goal of Plant-for-the-Planet is to use trees to lay the foundation for stable ecosystems, as they stabilize on their own and grow ever larger. And thus convert more and more carbon dioxide from the air into wood. We plant as many different tree species as possible, thus spreading and minimizing the risks of the climate crisis. In the first years 2015 – 2018, we had planned to use the wood later as well, i.e. to store C in durable wood products, for example in houses, and thus replace reinforced concrete, which is responsible for 11% of global COâ‚‚ emissions. That’s why we planted only eight different species. In 2019, we changed the strategy on the Yucatán Peninsula and are planting natural forest there.