Plant-for-the-Planet is an internet platform that offers restoration initiatives worldwide the chance to raise funds and start a tree-planting movement. The goal is one trillion additional trees. Currently, more than 170 planting initiatives worldwide use the platform and plant mainly in the countries of the global south, where the trees not only grow faster and capture more CO₂, but also offer many additional benefits, such as jobs, prosperity and security.
The foundation, established by Felix Finkbeiner, has also taken on the responsibility of restoring and protecting its own forest areas. With the help of the German foundation and other supporters, the non-profit Mexican sister organization Plant-for-the-Planet A.C. became the owner of a total of 239 km2 of forest areas that have been plundered to varying degrees of intensity: They are located in the Mexican state of Campeche on the Yucatán Peninsula, near the village of Constitución. Plant-for-the-Planet has promised, in addition to the platform, to plant 100 million trees itself. This will be done on such degraded areas, i.e. abandoned cattle farms or as enrichment plantations in forests, plundered mostly through illegal logging, and the subsequent protection of these restored areas.