If the donor selects the Plant-for-the-Planet restoration project in Mexico, the price is 1.50 € per tree. This so-called “earmarked donation” goes directly and without any deductions or fees from the Plant-for-the-Planet Foundation Germany to the non-profit organization Plant-for-the-Planet A.C. in Mexico. With this 1.50 €, the association covers all costs for one tree: i.e. the collection of the seeds, the sowing and care of the trees in the nursery, the transport of the seedlings to the planting areas, the planting and above all the care of the young trees, in particular, the removal of the grass that competes with the young trees for light, water and nutrients, and the prevention from forest fires. The ecologists who ensure the quality of the work are also paid with this earmarked donation, just as the use of the TreeMapper.App, i.e. the monitoring and reporting. On the plant-for-the-planet.org platform, the costs per tree of the restoration and reforestation projects vary, but no matter what the price per tree is, 100 % of the donation goes directly to the planting projects selected by the donors.