Does Plant-for-the-Planet also want to cut down trees in the long term in order to sell the wood?

From 2015 to 2018, the intention was to use the wood later to be able to finance the work of the young people of Plant-for-the-Planet. In 2019, the board changed this strategy to focus on restoring natural forests.

Our goal is to create ecosystems that have the maximum possible biodiversity because they will be better able to withstand the effects of the climate crisis.

In principle, however, wood is not to be condemned as a building material because its CO2 balance is incomparably better than that of steel and concrete. Steel and concrete are responsible for 11% of the world’s CO2 emissions. In addition, the carbon stored in furniture or wooden houses remains bound for decades. When a tree rots, on the other hand, about half of the carbon dioxide it has stored in the course of its life is released again, the other half is stored in humus.